Six Sigma participants must have a Green Belt Certificate prior to attending Black Belt. If the Green Belt certificate is from an organization other than XLC, prospective participants must provide a previous Green Belt project and pass the XLC Green Belt exam. In this scenario, Black Belt registration is dependent upon approval.
With our Six Sigma Black Belt Certification program, not only will you develop the comprehensive knowledge needed to earn certification, but you will practice applying that learning throughout the program. This hands-on and project-based program will enable you to expand your knowledge in Six Sigma and turn that knowledge into action that delivers measurable improvements in business performance.
XLC’s Six Sigma Black Belt program consists of 6 required sessions: one virtual introductory meeting and five in-person program sessions.
The virtual introductory meeting will establish a foundation for success by:
- Introducing the program facilitator
- Explaining the program’s expectations
- Helping participants choose and build a Black Belt project charter
- Share statistical software and laptop requirements
- Answer any questions before the in-person sessions begin
You will practice sophisticated statistical decision-making tools and learn how to communicate and leverage results from these analyses to impact behavior, decisions, and ultimately, delivery of the level of quality required for Six Sigma and customer satisfaction excellence.
You will discuss your specific issues and challenges and identify the best approach and tools to drive improvement. Additionally, you will learn how to integrate the tools of Six Sigma and problem-solving techniques to engage others to deliver Six Sigma results.
Xavier Leadership Center is proud to offer each participant a digital badge in Six Sigma Black Belt once you have met program completion criteria. Digital badges include a direct link to view program credentials and can be utilized by participants on social media and digital resumes.
Participants will walk away with these skills:
- Comprehensive knowledge of the Six Sigma methodology and the DMAIC process
- The role Black Belts and other team members play in the success of Six Sigma
- How to properly define, scope, and work on Six Sigma projects
- How to utilize advanced problem solving techniques
- How to facilitate Six Sigma team meetings
- How to present, transition and close out projects
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