Maximizing Social and Emotional Awareness

“A workplace that encourages self-awareness is an environment where the most productive, curious, and innovative people thrive.” – Neil Blumenthal


More than ever, professionals must develop relationships across a complex and ever-changing landscape in order to be effective and achieve success. Connecting over coffee in the office is not enough when a workplace is hybrid, virtual, or global. Relationship building is an important skill set that is often underdeveloped, resulting in unnecessary challenges and inefficiencies.

The best outcomes result from a highly connected team. In this program, participants will learn critical skills to help develop the human side of business—the social and emotional awareness to both develop and sustain great professional relationships. The importance and business impact of social, emotional, and self-awareness are discussed. Participants will then gain tools to maximize and enhance their existing awareness skills.


Professionals at all levels who want to improve their awareness skills in order to achieve better personal and organizational results.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Understanding self-awareness and how it impacts relationship building and the organization's overall success
  • Viewing leadership through a human centered lens
  • Building capacities to demonstrate social awareness through empathy and stakeholder mapping
  • Becoming more situationally aware by considering various perspectives
  • Intentionally managing relationships with peers, direct reports, and leadership
  • Creating a positive and psychologically safe environment through language and behaviors


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
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Time Management and Accountability

Days only have 24 hours but to-do lists are getting longer and longer—how does one keep up and complete all of their tasks?


Professionals must decide how to prioritize and complete their assigned tasks to meet personal and managerial expectations. Everyone has unique working styles, habits, and needs when accomplishing their responsibilities, so time management and prioritization must be customizable skills anyone can adopt.

This program aims to provide practical tips, tools, and strategies to help individuals approach their use of time wisely and help managers lead their teams more effectively. Oftentimes, procrastination sets in because a certain task seems daunting or emotionally taxing. Participants will explore ways to manage their energy and mindsets to aid in their productivity. Finally, the program will discuss how accountability is created between managers and their teams, among colleagues, and within oneself.


Professionals at all levels in any industry who want to discover better methods of managing their time and learn ways to hold colleagues and themselves accountable.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Distinguishing between the urgent and important uses of time and prioritizing different tasks
  • Acknowledging the value of personal energy through the emotional fuel tank
  • Interpreting the hidden patterns of everyday life, both personally and professionally
  • Exposing five “time robbers”
  • Discovering organizational strategies to better budget one's use of time
  • Formulating accountability methods to keep oneself on track
  • Developing habits of mutual accountability


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
+ Google Map

Motivating Top Talent Across Generations

The most important asset to any organization is its people. Leaders must find ways to support top talent in order to achieve higher retention and performance success.


Workforce trends and workplace culture has changed dramatically in recent years. Understanding what motivates employees from different generations, helping them strengthen their well-being, and developing top talent to support their performance are all critical for today's leaders.

Discovering one's purpose behind their work is a guiding theme in this one-day program. Participants will explore the new psychology of how work is seen and valued; the critical elements of well-being, self-care, and individual motivators; and how to align employees' performance with overall organizational performance. Conversations, discussions, and experiential activities are interwoven throughout the session.


Team leaders, managers, or anyone in a position to support their colleagues will benefit from this program.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Understanding the foundation of new motivational norms
  • Developing mindsets to shift from old motivations to the new motivational norms
  • Identifying best practices to support a high performance/high retention culture amidst the new psychology of work
  • Recognizing practical ways to embrace the cultural development necessary to attract and retain top talent
  • Establishing next steps to win the war for talent in this competitive labor market


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
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Building Trust in the Workplace

XLC’s Building Trust in the Workplace program will give participants the skills they need to effectively gain the confidence and trust of others through honesty, integrity, and authenticity. They will be introduced to topics such as emotional intelligence, interpersonal savvy, openness, flexibility, and adaptability.


Participants will understand what trust looks like, what behaviors assist leaders and managers in building trust, and what leadership methods and actions might hamper confidence and trust with colleagues.

Filled with experiential activities and engaging discussions, this one-day program will explore how each individual envisions trust. A pre-program assessment will facilitate personalized discussions, allowing participants to maximize their learning.


Professionals at all levels in any industry who want to develop interpersonal relationships will benefit from this program.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Define workplace trust and its role in building collaborative relationships and effective teams
  • Explain how trust is the foundation of successful leadership
  • Review the importance of individuals’ beliefs, values, and attitudes and their influence on behaviors
  • Examine how trust factors into collaboration, interpersonal savviness, effective communication, conflict management, driving engagement, etc.
  • Understand the 13 trust-building behaviors
  • Create an action plan for building trust with stakeholders


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
+ Google Map

Effective Decision Making

In this fast-paced world, a person’s and their team’s effectiveness in getting things done at work depends on decision-making. How a person manages their time, what meetings they go to, and the work their team focuses on are all based on effective decision-making methods. And yet, according to a global McKinsey study from 2019, only 20% of respondents say their organizations excel at decision-making.


In this one-day program, participants will explore various ways and methods to make decisions as both an individual and as a leader. Then, the program will focus on how to build a culture of effective decision-making within an organization. Real-world examples and interactive activities will guide discussions and showcase examples of great and not-so-great decision-making skills.


Professionals at all levels in any industry who want to develop their decision-making skills will benefit from this program.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Identify various methods to make decisions
  • Leading group decision-making processes by understanding how others make decisions
  • Learn strategies to make personal decisions more effectively
  • Discover how to be consistent and empowering as a decision-making leader
  • Balance autonomy and risk when creating an organizational culture


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
+ Google Map

Skills for Building a Collaborative Mindset

As leaders, we move others through emotions. Emotions are contagious! It takes self-awareness, self-control, empathy, and the ability to build collaborative relationships to be a great leader. We call these behaviors Emotional Intelligence. They are the personal and social competencies that differentiate star performers from average ones.


This workshop will assist you in becoming more self-aware and provide insight into how to strike the right balance of relationships and task orientation to achieve high performance. You will learn techniques on self-regulation and how to align “your intent with your impact.” You will discover how to develop and demonstrate trust and empathy, key ingredients in collaborative relationships.

All of these skills will help to foster a collaborative mindset that leads to more effectiveness, which ultimately will result in higher levels of engagement, customer service, and higher performance.


Professionals at all levels who want to become more self-aware and develop their emotional intelligence.


Participants will walk away with these skills:

  • Leverage self-awareness and recognize “triggers” that impact self-control
  • Learn ways to influence teams and individuals
  • Cultivate an environment of trust and tools to create a collaborative workplace
  • Become familiar with the Emotional Intelligence model and competencies
  • Build capacities to demonstrate social awareness through empathy
  • Create a positive environment through language and behaviors where others will choose to be


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
+ Google Map

Communications Excellence Certificate

Sharpen your leadership voice and gain skills to become an excellent communicator by earning this certificate. This certificate provides techniques that will allow you to create clear written and verbal messaging, engage confidently in critical conversations, provide impactful presentations, and develop a clear leadership presence. The requirements to earn this certificate and digital badge are:

Participants must attend 4 of the following one-day programs within the same semester:

Digital Badge:

Xavier Leadership Center is proud to offer each participant a digital badge once participants have met program completion criteria. Digital badges include a direct link to view program credentials and can be utilized by participants on social media and digital resumes.


Building Trust in the Workplace:
XLC’s Building Trust in the Workplace program will give participants the skills they need to effectively gain the confidence and trust of others through honesty, integrity, and authenticity. They will be introduced to topics such as emotional intelligence, interpersonal savvy, openness, flexibility, and adaptability. Participants will understand what trust looks like, what behaviors assist leaders and managers in building trust, and what leadership methods and actions might hamper confidence and trust with colleagues.

Business Communications:
The first part of this interactive workshop focuses on improving verbal communication skills including providing meaningful feedback, resolving conflict, and meeting everyday workplace challenges. The second portion of the class emphasizes effective written communication in the digital age, including crafting clear and concise messages, being other-centered, and increasing the professionalism of your writing.

Business Storytelling:
More than ever, there is one thing that truly separates many brands and companies today—that one thing is STORY. When it comes to creating powerful brand connections, engaging innovations, and inspirational business strategies, a good story can make whatever brands share more impactful. For this full-day workshop, presentations include surprising insights, engaging personal stories, fun movie references, hands-on exercises, and “Hollywood-esque” tools. Participants will leave with a series of inspiring story fundamentals, examples, and methods that can be applied by ANY role within an organization and in ANY industry. Using the building blocks of storytelling, participants will be able to develop strategies to bring innovative ideas and methodologies back to the organization.

Feedback and Conflict Management:
This program begins by exploring the major causes of conflict in the workplace. Then, strategies are discussed for building psychological safety and managing emotional reactions during difficult and critical conversations. Next, participants will gain the confidence to deliver and receive feedback in a respectful, yet honest, way. Through experiential learning and real-world examples, participants at any level will be able to alleviate conflict before it becomes a serious issue.

Elevating Your Professional Image:
Developing and demonstrating an intentional personal brand identity will create a more positive reputation, foster better and lasting impressions, and may bolster the influence you have upon others. Participants in this highly interactive course will begin by studying human psychology, their own biases, and how others perceive them. Building upon this foundation, participants will then identify the skills, characteristics, and abilities that make them unique. The program will combine all of these facets of one’s persona, showing how a personal brand is made and utilized. Participants will create an action plan to acknowledge the areas they want to develop so that their personal brand can evolve into the version of how they want to be perceived in the world long-term.

Influencing in a Business Environment:
A cross-functional organization is one where multiple reporting lines exist. This may involve direct line or indirect reporting to one or more individuals. At their best, cross-functional structures can be creative and high-performing. At their worst, they can be a confusing labyrinth of changing players who lack accountability. The skills and behaviors needed to make management a success require a new emphasis on exceptional people skills and methods for influence.

Persuading, Negotiating, and Collaborating:
Successful negotiating comes from ensuring all parties get what they need to keep the relationship – and the work – going. The key focus of effective negotiations is partnering with others to develop mutually beneficial outcomes. When we help others get what they want, meeting our needs becomes easier. In this hands-on experience, participants will practice collaborative skills based on listening, learning, and leveraging all resources. Program discussions will focus on advancing both parties above “power,” achieving short and long-term wins, and overcoming stalemates through creative means. Skills to better persuade and remain composed in tense situations will also be shared.

Presenting with Impact:
It can be guaranteed at some point in someone's career, they will be asked to present their ideas in front of people. This could be speaking during a team meeting with colleagues, delivering an elevator pitch at a networking event, or reporting data for higher management. No matter how intimidating speaking in front of others may be, confidently sharing your ideas is key to success. This one-day program will help participants prepare and deliver formal, informal, virtual, and in-person presentations. They will learn best practices to present with impact and how to control any anxious or nervous feelings they experience.


Professionals at any level who want to increase their communications skills.


Cintas Center
1624 Musketeer Drive
Cincinnati, 45207 United States
+ Google Map